From the Sunshine State to Just Plain Brrrrrrrr

Where have I been?  Well this Florida girl took a trip to see snow, and boy did I!    I traveled to Stowe, Vermont with my fiancé for a medial conference.   He is a Physician Assistant and just happened to find a conference in Stowe that we decided to attend.  And by attend, I mean he attended the classes while I sat by the fire reading and loving the views.  We did have breaks in the day where we were able to go explore a few local places.  One of my favorites was the Ben and Jerry's factory tour!  Who wouldn't love an ice cream tour? *see photo below.

While in Stowe, Vt, I discovered a few things.  First of all, the snow and mountains are beautiful, coming from Florida I have to say the area was just breathtaking.  I could look at the mountains and snow forever.  I also had a lesson in cold weather.  Trying to master slippery ice, freezing rain, layers upon layers of clothing was a whole new world.   And finally I learned that I am a cold weather wimp!  
Yep, I loved the area, loved the local treats and loved the view, but was so happy to thaw once I was back home in Florida.  Wonder if I will feel the same way when I am sweltering in August?

A dream come true.
Even when freezing I can enjoy Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream.
Nature at its best.
Awesome views everywhere I turned.
Does it get any more beautiful than this?
This breakfast really needs no words.

Just Chillin.   No, Really!


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