It's a Pretty and Pink Bridal Shower

Wedding festivities are beginning to take place around here.  We have a room full of dishes, decorations and dresses.  This weekend my daughter in law Stephanie and my most wonderful friend from waaaayyy back,{ever since the keds tennis shoe incident in 6th grade}  held a bridal shower for my daughter Corri.  They went above and beyond any expectations.  Apparently I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't get many photos, but here are a few that I did find.

One of the activities was an Anniversary Book.  I will be back with photos in the near future.  Stephanie made it and each guest contributed.  It was a thing of beauty and I know that Corri will treasure it for years to come.

It was definitely a Pretty and Pink Shower.

The Bride to Be and her "brother"

The Hostesses and Corri.


Raspberry Yogurt Parfaits.

Tea Cups, Beautiful Quotes and Candy.

Forgot to get a photo of all the yummy Mimosas.  
They were a big hit and didn't sit around for long.


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