Wedding Invites DIY ...... or ... The First Two

The wedding fun is in full swing.  Corri and I have a tendency to think that many hand made items will be easy and oh so fun.  And they ARE!  For at least the first two.

We decided since she is have a small beach wedding with mostly close family the invitations would not be overwhelming.  Of course we could make the invites.  It would be such fun, we had visions of sitting around laughing,  printing, gluing,  ribbon floating around the room.  And it WAS fun!  For at least the first two.   Thank goodness we had the help of Stephanie, my daughter in law.  She is much more of a perfectionist than either of us, so she kept us on the straight and narrow with the glue.

Here is what we pictured, a little box wrapped in brown paper with a variety of stamps.   It was to look like it came from a far away place inviting you to a dreamy trip to the coast.

Before we even started, we knew it had to include on thing, silver sea shells.   On our last trip to the beach we scoured the shops to find just the right size little sand dollars for the invitations, spray painted them silver and they were beautiful.  

We do our best work when we have an open mind, or is that an empty mind?  Either way, we went to the store with two empty minds.   We started playing with papers and found just the perfect ones.   Little by little the invitations came together, each new part sparking a little creativity for the next.    We especially loved the multiple stamps, including one of the bride and groom to be on the beach.

When it came time to package them all up we were so excited to see them all finished up and ready to ship.  The package was so much fun to put together... for at least the first two!   This is the time when I want to be Martha Stewart.   Wouldn't it be so fun to create, make a couple and then move on and let everyone else finish them all.  Ahh a girl can dream.  

Here is the result of our hard work.  They did turn out so cute, all wrapped with silver tissue paper.  The hardest part was the stress of dropping them off at the Post Office.  Oh the worry.  Would they be address correctly?  Would they make it through the mail undamaged?  Would we wake up to a mailbox full of returned boxes?  Happy to say they all made it and I think even in good condition.  Unless everyone was too kind to tell us otherwise.

It all starts with a beautiful box.

Can you believe the sweet little sand dollars?

Just perfect for a beach wedding.


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