Before and After - Formica Laminate Cabinet Redo

Wow, it is really hard to believe how simple it was to create this bathroom redo.   A rub on stain, new hardware, a little paint on the counter top, and all was well.   With the exception of the slightly outdated faucets.  They are originals as well, so I guess it pays to take care of things???  Or not??

These cabinets were finished with the rub on gel stain by General Finishes, in Moca.  I was shocked that it would adhere to the formica, but it did and I love it.    The top was primed and then I went to town painting the marble look.  It was such a fun project, I am looking around the house for anything left to paint!   Ah but I do have one more horrid set of cabinets in my other bathroom....Watch out wood grain mica!


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