Waiting on baby. Nesting. Creating a warm home.

We are currently awaiting our second grandson.  It is so exciting.    We can not wait to meet the little guy.  But in the meantime, what is wrong??   I am nesting.  It is the Mother that is supposed to nest, not Grandma. {although, from what she says, her nesting is in high gear as well}  Currently I babysit a couple of days a week for older brother, which is so much fun, and will take on number 2 a little as well.    I am wondering if my brain is confused and thinks that before the second gets here, I better get things in order.  In the meantime, I am enjoying getting my house in order.  Laundry room redo, DONE.  Kitchen Counters, DONE.   Housecleaning, DONE.    She better have this baby before I wear myself out!
Maternity photo shoot
Waiting for Baby.


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