Best Stocking Stuffer Gift for Your College Daughter

If you have a college daughter, you have probably seen it.   The last second scurry.   Feels like you have all of the time in the world for your visit and suddenly, it is over.     She scurries about trying to collect everything all at once.   And bam, she is gone again {tears}.  Oh wait, she is calling, {happy dance} must have missed you already.   Oops, she left her phone charger.

While it is great that she swings by one last time and you get one more hug in, it could be easier.  She needs a cord cubbies.  

I love our cubbies for travel.  Especially the three section cubbie.  Three sections to fill.  If they are not filled, then I know I need to locate ear buds, tablet cord or phone charger.

Choose your size, fabric and customize any way you want.

handmade christmas gift for college daughter
Grey Tender Flowers Cord Organizer

Raspberry Sorbet Charger Bag 
Orange Peacock Charger Organizer

TThree Section Charger Organizer

Set of All Three!

Feather and Arrow Cord Organizer 

Elephants on parade charger cubbie


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