A Healthy Meal and An Old Fashioned Comfort Dessert.

January, the time of resolutions.  Eating healthier is always at the top of the list.  Tonight I went through and found two somewhat healthy yet delicious recipes to try.

The first was a wonderful roasted shrimp dish from cinnamonspiceandeverythingnice

The problems I have with cooking:
1.  I never have all of the ingredients for what pops into my head to make, which can result in silly things like making my own butter and buttermilk on Christmas Day for a recipe (yes I did!).
2. Impatience, which can result in some pretty burnt, raw or just awful meals.  For example, the first four pancakes of every batch being thrown in the garbage before my family can see them.  (of course they can always smell the burnt scent wafting through the house)
3.  I think I am better than I am at it. 
4.  I hate to measure.  Something that seems to be important in the cooking world. Go figure.

Here is my version of this wonderful recipe... even though mine was tasty, it might be good to follow the original directions. 
I  used a little less butter and then forced myself to leave some of the drippings in the pan rather than on my pasta.  Oh how difficult that was!    I used precooked shrimp *See cooking issue #1.   It turned up tasty, but might have been even better done correctly.

To go with our shrimp and pasta I made a little baked zucchini

I could eat these baked zucchini bites all day.  There was not one single bite left.  My tip for this would be to be sure your bread crumbs are not too big.  I had some that were sort of large * See cooking issue #1.   Mine didn't fully coat the zuch like this, until I smashed them down a little.   Pop over to natalieskillercuisine to get the recipe for these.  

Sounds like a healthy start to the New Year until all of the dishes were cleaned and put away and hubby wanders in asking if I would make some Rice Crispie Treats.  Those things had to be invented by the Devil!  Yes, now we have a huge pan of rice crispie treats.  But I am guessing they won't be there to temp us much longer.



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